Worship Through Musical and Artistic Expression
Worship is the one activity we do on earth that will continue on for eternity. At HFUMC, you will find a diverse community that worships through a variety of musical and artistic expressions. We invite you to join us!
The Chancel Choir at HFUMC
The Chancel Choir serves every Sunday morning at the 8:15 am traditional service in the Sanctuary. The Chancel Choir practices every Wednesday evening from 7-8:30 pm in the Choir Room (Room 201). Our Wednesday night rehearsals are fun, energizing and spirit-filled. If you enjoy singing, this is your place to serve!
Our Chancel Choir also serves at special services throughout the year including Christmas Eve, Easter, Holy Week, and other services including our Spring Cantata, Christmas Concert, and more.
For more information about the Chancel Choir at HFUMC, please contact Tom Lerew, our Director of Worship & Music.
Contemporary Praise Team
The Contemporary Praise Team serves every Sunday morning at the 10:45 am in the contemporary worship service in the Gym. Our band and vocalists lead the worship experience with contemporary songs and modernized hymns. Practice is held every Sunday morning at 8:30 am. If you appreciate contemporary praise and worship music and are musically or vocally skilled, this may be your place to serve! Contact Travis Birch, our Contemporary Worship Leader, for more information.
Student Worship Arts Team
SWAT is a unique offering that engages youth with artistic interests and talents in worship leadership. This collaborative group meets on Sunday afternoons at 3:45-4:45 pm for rehearsal and regularly leads worship for special youth gatherings.